
Our payment methods

Payments made on delivery

For users who appreciate traditional forms of payment, we have also provided the possibility of paying in cash or card upon receipt of the order. This way, you don't have to use online payments.

Our delivery methods

Online delivery

The quickest way to access the purchased webinar is to provide an email address to which we will send a special code. After receiving it, all you have to do is log into our website and sign up for the webinar premiere. As you can see, it's a straightforward and very convenient form of delivery. It allows you to do everything without leaving your home and without having contact with the courier. And in addition, reducing the duration of shipment.

Payments made on delivery

For the small number of people who prefer traditional shopping, we can also send the access code by courier. Once you receive the product, all you have to do is pay for it in payments made on delivery. However, please note that the delivery time can be extended from 15 to 30 working days. Only after this time you will receive a specially packaged envelope containing an activation code. You will then be able to sign up for the webinar and take advantage of its possibilities.